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Mechner, F., Fredrick, T., & Jenkins, T. (2013). How can one specify and teach thinking skills? European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 14, 285-293.
Mechner, F., Fiallo, V., Fredrick, T., & Jenkins, T. (2013). Paideia Individualized Education Technology: An approach to reconfiguring K-12 schools. New York: The Mechner Foundation.
Jones, L. D., & Mechner, F. (2013). Systematic operant bias observed in human participants during research on choice. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 14, 295-311.
Mechner, F., & Jones, L. D. (2015). Effects of repetition frequency on operant strength and resurgence of non-criterial features of operants. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 41, 63-83.
Jones, L. D., & Mechner, F. (2015). Kinesthetic operant bias in keyboard-based choice behavior. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 16, 202-228.
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Mechner, F. (2018). A behavioral and biological analysis of aesthetics: Implications for research and applications. The Psychological Record, 68, 287-321.
Mechner, F. (2018). Mechner’s reply to the commentaries on his article, “A behavioral and biological analysis of aesthetics.” The Psychological Record, 68, 385-404.
Mechner, F. (2019). A naturalistic and behavioral theory of aesthetics. The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, 52, 73-93.
Mechner, F. (2019). The behavioral architecture and biological utility of aesthetic reactions. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 20, 166-185.
Mechner, F. (2019). Kurt Salzinger – A loss to behavioral science and to the world. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42, 181-182.
Jones, L. D., & Mechner, F. (2020). Noncriterial behavioral variability and related topographic bias in humans. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 21, 186-216.
Siegel, C. M. (1982). Sales: The Fast Track for Women. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. [Dr. Mechner is profiled and interviewed in Chapter 6: Learning How to Sell (pp. 100-115).]
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